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BAO GAME - The ultimate guide

BAO GAME - The ultimate guide

von Nino Vessella (Autor)

"Bao la Kiswahili" is a very common and traditional game played in East Africa. It is a strategy game that relies heavily on rapid, deep and complex calculations. Players try to predict the development and outcome of each move as is humanly possible... as for other famous strategy games. This game is 100% pure skill and one of the most profound. Despite the initial complexity of the rules, it is one of the most social and compelling of all games. Although it is typically a two player game, others may take part as well, thanks to the spectators who evaluate each move! Bao is an exciting game, whose charm is immediately revealed to a beginner but which becomes magical as soon as simple strategic plans begin to be applied. The purpose of this book is to spread the popularity of "Bao la Kiswahili" outside its main base in East Africa. It is an almost ultimate guide because this game has not yet been studied thoroughly and, therefore, the tactics and strategies are not yet well known. Through a lot of examples and 50 exercises, you'll learn step-by-step all standard rules, tactics and strategies of this amazing Eastafrican traditional game. It is perfect for all players: from those just learning the game to experienced players. This book is the only definitive alternative to a live learning. It's a must for mancala players and an indispensable reference book for all Bao players. Esp

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