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Dating For Men. Alpha Male Strategies, Social Skills To Create A Relationship, Online Dating Tips And Effortlessly Attract More Women

Dating For Men. Alpha Male Strategies, Social Skills To Create A Relationship, Online Dating Tips And Effortlessly Attract More Women

von Edwin Dray (Autor)

How can I charm any lady even before I say a word to ensure I have an edge over everyone else?

How do I understand how women think and be able to use that to my advantage to win her?

How do I ensure I don't screw it up whenever I get the opportunity to talk to her and possibly go on a date with her?

How do I keep it going, for weeks, months, years and even decades?

If you have these and other related questions, this book is for you so keep reading.

More precisely, you will discover:

What to do and how to behave on your first date with a lady

The worst first date mistakes guys make that you should avoid

When or if to take the date further

Effective dating rules for men, including the best place to meet a prospective partner and how to know if she is really into you

Sure fire tips that will guarantee successful online dating

If you are Mr. Nice Guy and why Mr. Nice Guys never win with women

Ways to help you to stop being a Mr. Nice Guy without becoming a jerk

The three different kinds of men that exist and why you should be an alpha male

How to get rid of non-verbal cues that show you are not dominant

The main aspects that women like in a man and how you can adopt them

What women look for in a man and how you can build a strong masculine character

The secrets of being an irresistible catch

And much more

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Dienstag 11 März
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