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Epigenetics Book. The Most Comprehensive Exploration of the Practical, Social and Ethical Impact of DNA on Our Society and Our World

Epigenetics Book. The Most Comprehensive Exploration of the Practical, Social and Ethical Impact of DNA on Our Society and Our World

von Roy Carroll (Autor)

You Are About To Develop An Insider Understanding Of Epigenetics, Including Their Relationship With The DNA, Environmental Factors, Human Development And Evolution; Their Role In Human Mental And Physical Health, Including Their Use In The Treating Of Different Conditions And Diseases Along With The Most Current Epigenetic Practices And Research!

What started as a broad research focused on combining genetics and developmental biology during the mid-twentieth century has evolved into the field we currently refer to as epigenetics- the mechanism of gene control that can either promote or repress gene expression without altering the genetic coding of the organism.

Today, we know that the environment factors and individual lifestyles can have a direct interaction with epigenetic change, which can be reflected at various stages throughout the life of an individual and even in the later generations.

You've heard that a mother's exposure to pollution can affect her child's asthma susceptibility, haven't you?


How about the argument that a child's mental fitness can be (epigenetically) influenced by his/her dad's diet?

Epigenetic change, which has nothing to do with the changes to the underlying DNA sequence, does affect how cells read genes and this biological change is influenced by several factors which include environment, lifestyle and health state through a mechanisms including a popular one known as DNA methylation.

But what is the relationship between the epigenetic change and physical and physiological conditions as regards to their onset and improvement?

How are epigenetic modifications being used to understand our environment, society and increasing human adaptation?

How exactly do epigenetic therapies work?

How does DNA affect epigenetic changes?

How can we exploit epigenetic mechanisms to understand life better and improve it?

If you have these and other related questions, this book is for you.

More precisely, you will learn:

What epigenetics are and their role in developmental psychology

The influence of epigenetics at the molecular level and the impact of DNA damage in epigenetic change

How epigenetics are studied

The functions and consequences of epigenetics, and their specific benefits in mindfulness training, healthy eating and physical activity

How genes control the growth and division of cells

The role of epigenetic therapy in diabetic retinopathy, emotional disorders, cardiac dysfunction, cancer and schizophrenia and many more

How epigenetic modifications are used in cancer treatment, and plant and animal evolution

How epigenetic mechanisms are used in processes including human adaptation, memory formation, growth and infant neuro-behavior.

How epigenetic mechanisms are used in maternal care

How environmental chemical exposures affect epigenetics

The role of epigenetics in neurodegenerative diseases, drug formation, human development, the development of Hox genes and many more

The role of environmental exposures in pathophysiology of IPF

Modulation of epigenetic marks by environmental exposures

How epigenetic regulation affects the immune system

…And so much more!

So if you've been exposed to the concept of epigenetics as a novel way of understanding disorders, inheritance and evolution and wondered what it's really all about and how it's related with environmental exposure and different therapy practices, this book is all you need!

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