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Fighting women

Fighting women

von Isabella Lorusso (Autor)

This is a book to raise the spirits. Isabella Lorusso introduces us to some of the bravest women of our time. They defended the Spanish Republic in the civil war, but fought not only fascists but also stalinists and right wing social democrats.For these women, politics was not a hobby, it was their lives. Isabella is a perceptive interviewer. Her questions are precise and the answers distilled so that we understand very clearly the battles that were fought, the spirit of the times, the friendships that were made and sometimes broken and the passion that still infuses these remarkable women as they near the end of their lives.
The warmth that Isabella has for her subjects is evident. There are some great stories too, of the May Days in Barcelona, life in the militias, the struggle for women to be treated as equals and personal adventures that sometimes make you smile.
This is a book to put on your shelves alongside the other fine accounts of the civil war. As readers, we are drawn into these lives and share Isabella's evident enjoyment in meeting them, their forthright spirit still intact. They certainly deserve to be remembered, women who, in the author's words, 'gave their lives for a dream of love and freedom.'
Ken Loach

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5 von 5 Sternen basierend auf 2 Bewertungen
Ab Isabella Larusso am 02 Okt 2022
Veröffentlichung als Printbuch

A really interesting and powerful account of the women who fought in the Spanish Civil War. Larusso takes care to share the women's stories after interviewing them, bringing this history to life and celebrating the lives of these women who are so often ignored.

Ab AnnieM am 03 Okt 2022
Veröffentlichung als Printbuch

This book is an invaluable resource of the voices of the women who fought in the Spanish civil war. Larusso has skillfully encouraged the women to recount their own, sometimes painful, but historically important memories. I was transported to a pivotal period of European history and saw it through the unique and courageous eyes of these brave fighting women.

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Mittwoch 19 März
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