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FLIRTING (2 Books in 1). Advanced techniques for meeting girls and impressing them on the first date!

FLIRTING (2 Books in 1). Advanced techniques for meeting girls and impressing them on the first date!

von Shane Farnsworth (Autor)

Save time, energy, and sorrow by learning how to rapidly dismiss failures so you can concentrate on discovering the few winners!

Don't attempt to modify yourself to impress guys who aren't suited for you in the first place!

It would help if you found the perfect guy for you, and let's be truthful, most men aren't suitable for you. That is not a criticism of you or anybody else. It's the truth. It would help if you discovered a few guys who are a good match for you, your personality, and your way of life. Changing yourself to satisfy a guy is a recipe for heartache and frustration.

The issue with female dating is that we spend so much time getting to know a man. We have to meet him first, then get past all of his tricks, and then find out whoS he really is... you might spend months on a person to discover he's not good for you.

I'm going to save you time and energy by teaching you a simple three-stage scoring system that utilizes little pieces of information about a person to evaluate if he's worth pursuing or should be eliminated. You don't even have to meet him in the first stage!

Gather some information, score it, then decide whether to retain or dismiss it. It's that simple, and it only takes a few seconds. There will be no more poor pickup lines or head/heart games to distract you. You maintain control.

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Donnerstag 20 März
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