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Herbal Remedies. A Comprehensive Guide to Herbal Remedies Used as Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals

Herbal Remedies. A Comprehensive Guide to Herbal Remedies Used as Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals

von Iren Soulevar (Autor)

"Herbal Remedies: A Comprehensive Guide to Herbal Remedies Used as Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals" by Iren Soulevar.

The book that will allow you to enhance health but also prevent illness and cure diseases thanks to the power of leaves, seeds and plant roots!

As one of the most ancient practices that exist, Herbal Remedies became common in every community all around the world. People use herbal remedies to help prevent or cure disease but also use them to get relief from symptoms, boost energy, relax, or lose weight.

Some herbals can really make you feel better and help keep you healthy in a very effective way. But you need to be a smart consumer because the word "natural" doesn't always mean "safe".

That's why "Herbal Remedies" was created by Iren Soulevar.

Here's what you'll find inside:

modern Herbal Medicine and Herbal Medicine in history

traditional African medicine and its relationships with modern medicine

challenges associated with monitoring safety of Herbal Medicines

how to use Herbal Remedies safely

Herbal Remedy recipes

...and much more!

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Freitag 28 Februar
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