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How to become rich. Simple Proven Methods for Taking Your Income to the Next Level

How to become rich. Simple Proven Methods for Taking Your Income to the Next Level

von Danny Roberson (Autor)

Thoughts are the most potent tool for wealth development. There is no question that the planting or thought process that 'I will be Rich' is the starting point for all riches.

We are who we are due to the seeds of thinking that we have sown. If you want to be wealthy, you must sow the correct seed. A mango seed, for example, will not create an apple. To reap the benefits of wealth, you must first sow the seed of wealth in your mind.

This book describes in detail how you can rewire your brain by grasping the following ideas:

How should you prepare your mind to receive the seed of wealth?

What are the limiting beliefs that keep you from moving forward?

How can you alter your attitude about wealth?

What are the catalysts that get your thoughts going?

How can you get the millionaire mind script?

The first step on the path to financial independence is to reprogram your mind to think like a billionaire. This book will empower

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Freitag 28 Februar
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