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KRST - Jesus a Solar Myth: A new exegesis explores mythical and allegorical contents of the Gospels

KRST - Jesus a Solar Myth: A new exegesis explores mythical and allegorical contents of the Gospels

von Pier Tulip (Autor)

Una nuova esegesi svela contenuti mitici e allegorici dei Vangeli. Nuova ipotesi sul Gesù storico. Una ricerca mitografica in antitesi alla canonica linea di ricerca storiografica sull'origine del cristianesimo. La trattazione è volta immediatamente a ricercare elementi mitici derivanti da religioni antecedenti che possano aver ispirato alcuni passi e descrizioni evangeliche. Nel capitolo centrale, tuttavia, il metodo comparativo viene presto abbandonato per introdurre una nuova analisi esegetica suggerita da una originale ipotesi di decodifica del mito solare egizio. L'ipotesi mitica però non preclude la ricerca di una possibile figura del Gesù storico. Numerose corrispondenze rilevate tra mitraismo-massoneria e cristianesimo e una esplicita indicazione di Raimondo de Sangro in una lettera cifrata prospettano un preciso profilo del fondatore di una setta ermetica iniziatica.

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4 von 5 Sternen basierend auf 1 Bewertungen
Ab Pier Tulip am 22 Mär 2021
Veröffentlichung als Printbuch

A mythographic research in antithesis to the canonical line of historical research on the origin of Christianity. The treatment turns immediately to search for mythical elements arising from antecedents religions that may have inspired some passes and descriptions of the Gospels. In the central chapter, however, the comparative method is soon abandoned to introduce a new exegetical analysis suggested by an original idea of decoding the Egyptian solar myth. From this decoding comes a long series of allegorical interpretations of many Gospel episodes: The equivalence of Jesus and John the Baptist with the Sun The birth on December 25 The birth from a virgin in Bethlehem The beginning of the preaching The 40 days in the desert The Wedding Feast at Cana The multiplication of the loaves and fishes Jesus Walks on the Water Peter-Aion Going into Jerusalem The time of the Parousia and the Messianic Era The room for dinner in Mark The Advocate The Passover meal Barabbas The two robbers The spear in his side The death and resurrection and many other details of the narrative. The mythical hypothesis, however, does not preclude the search for a possible figure of the historical Jesus. Several matches found between Mithraism-Freemasonry and Christianity and an explicit indication of Raimondo de Sangro in a coded letter foresee a precise profile of the founder of a Hermetic-initiatic sect.

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Dienstag 24 September
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