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Muscle Physiology (2 Books in 1). Muscle Building :The Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle, Staying Lean and Transform Your Body Forever + Muscle Relaxation : Exercises for Joint and Muscle Pain Relief

Muscle Physiology (2 Books in 1). Muscle Building :The Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle, Staying Lean and Transform Your Body Forever + Muscle Relaxation : Exercises for Joint and Muscle Pain Relief

von Mary Nabors (Autor)

More precisely, this book will teach you:

How to practice progressive muscle relaxation

What progressive muscle relaxation entails

The process of muscle relaxation and how you can benefit from it

How muscle relaxation works

What research says about relaxation techniques

The side effects and risks to note

How to reduce tension with progressive muscle relaxation

What natural muscle relaxers are and when and how to use them

The difference between self-hypnosis and progressive muscle relaxation

The causes and nature of muscle stiffness

Answers to frequently asked questions about muscle relaxation

How to get started with muscle building: determining your training volume and frequency

How to tell when an exercise is stimulating a muscle

What muscle stimulation means in practice

How to remain motivated to achieve a target muscle mass

The best tips to building muscle

How to avoid some of the most common muscle building mistakes

How to eat to build muscle effectively

How to work out the chest muscles: the right exercises

How to work out the back muscles: the right exercises

How to work out the quadriceps muscles: the right exercises

How to work out the glute and hamstring muscles: the right exercises

How to work out the arm and shoulder muscles: the right exercises

How to work out the abdominal muscles: the right exercises

…And so much more!

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Mittwoch 11 September
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