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von Marah Ellis Ryan (Autor)
On the writing of a prayer of praise
To the creative god
Apache prayer
Navajo liturgy
Address to supreme deity
A prayer for the dying
Babylonian prayer for health
Prayer to the sun
Magical incantation
Chinese liturgy
Chinese prayer
Prayer of transformation into a lotus
A prayer for preservation of the heart
Hymn to amun-ra
Prayer of the sower
Hymn to panu
The salutation of the dawn
Prayer to buddha
Hymn to agni
Prayer of the gambler
Prayer to kami-dana
Prayer of the singer
Hymn of tla-loc
Hymn to the all-mother
Hymn of the god of flowers
Prayer to the mexican god of fire
The prayer of the maize
Hymn to cihua-coatl
Prayer to the god of thieves
Invocation to ormazd
Mohammedan prayer of adoration
An inca’s death prayer
Hymn to the unknown god