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Progetto Arte 2016 - Fu Wenjun

Progetto Arte 2016 - Fu Wenjun

von Alessandro Costanza (Autor)

This book is dedicated to the experts of Art, where not only can they appreciate the reviews and the analysis of the works, but also they can get a wider view of the current artistic scenario.
There are contemporary artists who have already traced the history and have left a permanent track in terms of originality, mastery, and absolute innovation, leading the critical and expert’s eye/reader to a wonderful world, predominantly made up of shapes and colors, perspectives
and key factor, passion and rationality that intertwine to create the only one, real, and actual tool, to get information from and to face on to the world of Art.
Art is tracing history, art is emotion, art is transmission, art is exceeding special and temporal dimension to lead the public to the unknown borders: to one’s heart.
Review and analysis by the critic and art historian Dr. Alessandro Costanza.

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