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von George Diamond (Autor)
Here is a more precise list of what you'll find in this book:
How financial data storytelling started
What storytelling for finance entails
The benefits of storytelling
Successful storytelling examples in financial services
Why financial storytelling sometimes fails
How you can find a suitable story
The tips for strong financial storytelling
The importance of storytelling for firms
What are the kinds of stories you should tell?
The storytelling trends in financial services
Why statistics don't sell and stories do
The art of storytelling in finance
How self-depreciation will take your further than self-promotion
How to use analogies and metaphors to move your clients and products
The tools you can use to tell a persuasive story
How to tell stories that your clients want to hear
Storytelling strategies you can use on the your next sales pitch
Storytelling in the era of financial intelligence
The future of financial intelligence with storytelling
Visualizations to improve storytelling
…And so much more!