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The Bees of Lake Balmybreeze

The Bees of Lake Balmybreeze

von C. Andrea Eremita (Autor)

Yet another book about bees? Aren't there enough of them around already?
Well, yes. But it's inevitable. Centuries and millennia pass by, cultures and customs pass, yet bees have never stopped being a source of inspiration to everyone, to scientists, philosophers and religious folk. That's because bees represent what mankind has always been looking for, that is, a perfect model of social life, of resource management and of a certain operativeness within nature.
But they've always been a source of fascination for children too. In fact bees are a living fairytale. Whoever is unable to tell a story doesn't have to worry, as even the little that he may know about the life of a bee can make a good story and can capture the attention of a child or whoever has a heart.
In this account, the life of the hive is put under the spotlight right at its very heart. It is described day by day, from the construction of the hive, the gathering of honey and pollen, the birth of new bees through to that thrilling event of the birth of a new queen. The whole story is told to us by Gerry, a cricket from a wood at the foot of Eagletop Mountain, who being a storyteller by profession, whilst having a lively imagination, is nonetheless... very scientific, and he will illustrate with crickety precision all the details of this extraordinary world.

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Erwarteter Liefertermin: Freitag 28 Februar
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