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von Victoria Joyce (Autor)
In this simple book, you will learn:
That gratitude is a choice and how to choose it mindfully every day in five minutes or less
How to start feeling gratitude in your life in a real and simple way
Exactly when and how to practice gratitude to achieve maximum results and benefits
How to get in a state of gratitude - even when you think you have absolutely nothing to be grateful for
Why gratitude is the best antidote against anger, sadness, envy, and other painful emotions
How gratitude impacts your relationships positively
How to be grateful even in hard times
What you can be grateful for in YOUR life
How to boost the effects of gratitude even more
…and much more…
And the best is: You can start small. These small changes over time will cause significant, measurable results. Apply the advice of this book, and your life will never be the same. The benefits are countless, and the results will show everywhere.