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Western philosophy from mysticism to analytical logic in 3 and a half hours

Western philosophy from mysticism to analytical logic in 3 and a half hours

von Claudio Ferazzani (Autor)

Philosophers have never conceived their theses as contingent on a given epoch: rather, they have conceived them as absolute values, applicable at all times, with a tendency to believe in all-encompassing visions of the world, legitimized to know and act, without regards to the historical moment.

They also justified any obvious overcoming of the social phase, convinced that they know the suitable means for emancipation, for the progressive path of man and of history.

But we, today, are discouraged by the macro-systems legitimized to transcend and overflow on everything, we are convinced of the inexistence of ultimate and unitary foundations.

Therefore, if "esse est percipi", to exist is to be perceived, this also concerns the mill of Don Quixote, which would be a mill for Aristotle, rigorously bringing all substances back to their own category, but also a dangerous bandit for the mad knight who thus perceives its existence. Indeed: can material reality, chemistry and physics exhaust the knowledge of the world? Are you a reductionist, for whom everything is explained in the relationship between lightning and oak hydrocarbons? On the contrary, philosophers have the weakness of wanting to explain what is incomprehensible: therefore we invite you to read how philosophers develop a logical path for phylein (loving) sophya (wisdom).

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